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- GOC appoints Leonie Milliner as new Chief Executive and Registrar
GOC appoints Leonie Milliner as new Chief Executive and Registrar
The General Optical Council (GOC) has appointed Leonie Milliner as its new Chief Executive (CEO) and Registrar. Leonie will succeed Lesley Longstone who has held the position since 2018.
Currently GOC Director of Education, and previously Chief Executive of the General Osteopathic Council and of the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists, Leonie has a strong background in regulation. She is a longstanding lay member and team leader of the General Pharmaceutical Council Accreditation Panel, and a lay member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executive's Qualifications Committee.
Leonie has also served as a member of various educational organisations and on boards and committees of charities and public bodies in the education and health sectors and construction industry. These include the Office for Students Teaching Excellence Framework Panel and as the employer representative for the 2016 Quality Assurance Agency Subject Benchmark Statement for Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences.
Dr Anne Wright CBE, GOC Chair of Council, said: “We are delighted to appoint Leonie Milliner as our new CEO and Registrar, who has already played a central role in advising Council on reforms to our pre-and post-registration education and training for optical professionals. The implementation of these reforms will be a priority moving forward, along with progressing a review of our organisational structure to best meet future needs and continuing to ensure that we meet the standards set by the Professional Standards Authority.
I am looking forward to working with Leonie in driving the future direction of the GOC, delivering our ‘Fit for the Future’ strategic plan and ensuring that patient safety continues to be at the heart of our work. On behalf of the GOC, I would also like to thank Lesley for her outstanding leadership over the past three years.”
Speaking of her new appointment, Leonie said, “I am absolutely delighted to be appointed to succeed Lesley Longstone as the next CEO and Registrar at a time of enormous challenge and change for the optical professions and businesses we regulate and the public we benefit.
It will be a huge privilege to work with the Chair, Council, members and committees, our capable and committed staff team and our wider stakeholder community to put patients and the users of optical services front and centre in enacting our legislation. I know that by working together to realise our ambitious strategy we can demonstrate the benefits of being a world class regulator, committed to excellent customer service and continuous improvement.
The GOC continues to play a vital role in upholding professional high standards, ensuring the UK has a sufficient, competent, qualified and well-regulated workforce to prevent sight-loss and contribute to the reduction of health inequalities. I look forward to building on Lesley Longstone’s strong leadership to lead the GOC on the next chapter of its journey.”
Leonie will take up her appointment in early January 2022.