GOC appoints new members to Investigation Committee

The General Optical Council welcomes two new members to its Investigation Committee. 

Lisa Cole and Ashley Francis join the Committee as dispensing optician members. Their work will support the GOC in its mission to protect the public through decision-making at the investigations stage of the fitness to practise process.

The Investigation Committee plays a vital role in helping uphold high standards in the optical professions. It considers allegations that a registrant may not be fit to practise, where case examiners cannot agree, and reviews cases where the case examiners have requested an assessment of a registrant’s health or performance.

Lisa and Ashley began their terms on 15 January 2024.

Lisa Cole

Lisa Cole

Lisa is a MECS-accredited contact lens optician. She currently supervises and assesses undergraduate optometry students at the University of the West of England. Lisa has over 33 years of experience working in the optical sector, including several years spent in practice management.


  • Qualified as a dispensing optician in 1994 and as a contact lens optician in 2002.
  • Volunteer and member of Vision Action.
  • Interests in specialist paediatric dispensing, specialist contact lenses, and myopia management.
Ashley Francis

Ashley Francis

Ashley works across North Wales and Northwest England. He began his career as an optical assistant, later training in an optical lab as a glazing technician and then becoming a trainer in the same practice.


  • Graduated in Ophthalmic Dispensing from Anglia Ruskin University in 2021.
  • Interests in low vision, paediatrics, and ocular pathology.