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Recruitment begins for eleven new Hearings Panel members
We are looking to appoint eleven members to our Hearings Panel – three lay (non-registrant) members, four dispensing opticians, and seven optometrists.
Our Hearings Panel has over 40 members, made of a mix of lay members and registrants. Its members serve on two committees – the Fitness to Practise Committee and the Registration Appeals Committee. Both committees, and those sitting on them, play a vital role in helping us uphold high standards in the optical professions as we continue in our mission of public protection
About the role
Hearings Panel members work to determine allegations relating to the fitness to practise of registered optometrists and dispensing opticians, the fitness of student registrants to undertake training as an optometrist or dispensing optician, and the fitness of business registrants to carry on business as optometrists, dispensing opticians, or both. The Hearings Panel also determines whether it is necessary for interim measures (suspension or made subject to conditions) to be put in place whilst an investigation is in progress for the protection of members of the public, or is otherwise in the public interest, or in the interests of a registrant.
Hearings Panel members may also sit as part of the Registration Appeal Committee which hears and determines appeals against any decision of the Registrar refusing entry or restoration to the appropriate register.
Remuneration and time commitment
Members are paid a daily fee of £319. This role requires a commitment of approximately 16-20 days per year for Lay Members, 12-16 days per year for Optometrist Members and 8-12 days per year for Dispensing Optician Members, including time spent preparing for meetings.
How to apply
Please see the Hearings Panel candidate pack for more information on the role and how to apply. Interested applicants should read the Appointment Information and Expectations carefully before submitting their application.
We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds with a passion for public protection; and the ability to think critically, listen effectively, consider evidence, and to build a consensus. We particularly welcome applications from individuals who are disabled and from diverse ethnic backgrounds, as these are currently under-represented on our Council and committees.
Applicants for registrant roles must be a qualified dispensing optician or contact lens optician with current “hands on” experience of optical sector primary and/or secondary care or with significant involvement in other roles, e.g. optics education, manufacturing, delivery of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), or research.
The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 6 April 2025.
If you have any questions about the role or application process, please email appointment@optical.org and we will aim respond to your query within 48 hours. Please quote reference GOC02/25 on all correspondence.