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Raising concerns
Raising concerns about an optician
How to raise a concern about an optician
How we investigate a concern
Other concerns we can investigate
Guidance for people who have been asked to attend a fitness to practise hearing
Attend a hearing
Hearings panel
Past hearings
Sanctions we can impose
Future hearings
What to do if concerns are raised about you
FtP Focus Bulletin
Join the register
Register as a fully qualified individual
Register as a student
Register as a business
Registration fees
Register a specialty
Transfer registers as a student
How an employer can check if an optical professional is registered with us
Apply for a low income fee 2024-25
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Restore as a fully qualified
Restore as a student
Restore as a business
Renew your registration
Renew as an Independent Prescribing specialty
Direct debit set-up
Register from overseas
International optometrists
International dispensing opticians
Working in the United Kingdom
Register outside the UK
Make a declaration
Education and CPD
A career in optics
UK routes to registration
What to study and where
How we approve new programmes
Information for Education Providers
Education and training requirements (from March 2021)
Post-registration qualifications
Raising concerns about an education programme
Continuing Professional Development
Introduction to CPD and registrant requirements
Completing a Personal Development Plan (PDP)
Peer review
Reflective exercise
Self-directed CPD
CPD record review
Information for existing CPD providers
Raising concerns about a CPD provider
Standards and Guidance
Standards of practice for optometrists and dispensing opticians (effective from 1 January 2025)
Standards for optical students (effective from 1 January 2025)
Standards for optical businesses (effective from 1 January 2025)
Speaking up
The professional duty of candour
Disclosing confidential information
Position statements and useful information
About us
Who we are
Introduction to the General Optical Council
Council members
Senior Management Team
Contact us
How we work
Our strategic plan
Mission, vision and values
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Equality, diversity and inclusion
Financial governance
Customer Care Charter
Data and information
Data and freedom of information at the GOC
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Join the register
Apply for a low-income fee 2024-25
Application for low-income fee
Application for low-income fee
Step 1 of 2
Your details
First name
Last name(s)
GOC number
Email address
What do you expect your gross personal income from all sources to be for the current retention year?
More information about 'What do you expect your gross personal income from all sources to be for the current retention year?'
Gross personal income includes all income from all sources worldwide. It does not only relate to income from optometry or dispensing optics related activities. It includes, for example, pensions, investments, maternity pay, sick pay, and any kind of benefit.
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Please confirm your expected gross annual income from all sources.
I confirm I have reviewed the amount above and it is my expected gross annual income from all sources for the forthcoming retention year.