This application form is for employers of opticians or dispensing opticians who, as part of their pre-employment check processes, need to confirm whether a GOC registrant has had previous fitness to practise sanctions imposed by the GOC Fitness to Practise Committee, or is currently under investigation by the GOC’s Fitness to Practise Department.
The form can also be used by PCTs or other health authorities who need to check registrants’ declarations as part of the application process for entry to a local Ophthalmic Performers List. The information in this application form can also be provided in the body of an email, as long as the registrants consent form is attached and all the necessary registrant details are provided.
In response to a completed application, the GOC will issue a letter (known as a ‘letter of good standing’) setting out the registrant’s full registration and fitness to practise history and current status.
If you have any queries, please email