Expert Advisory Groups

The purpose of the Expert Advisory Groups (EAGs) is to advise and assist on matters relating to the development and delivery of the Education Strategic Review. There are four groups, one for optometrists, one for dispensing opticians, one for independent prescribers (IP), and one for contact lens opticians (CLO). 

Terms of reference


IP and CLO


Name Sector
Professor Guntler Loffler Education
Professor John Siderov Education 
Dr Nik Sheen Education/NHS Wales, CET provider
Professor Hilary Tompsett SW Education/Education Committee
Dr William Holmes Education
Dr Rebekah Stevens Education
Sally Gosling Professional body, CET Provider
Dr Nav Gupta Education visitor panel - OO member
Sarah Canning NHS - Head of Optometry
Jennifer Chaston Patient
Dr Imran Jawaid  NHS ophthalmologist and research scientist, CET provider, Education Committee
Claire Slade Employer
Dr Josie Forte Companies Committee/employer/Council lead, CET provider
Markham May Education/Education Visitor Panel
Professor Kathryn Saunders Education

Dispensing opticians

Name Sector
Simon Butterfield Education
Jay Dermott Education
Dean Dunning Education/practising DO
Julie Hughes Education/Education Visitor Panel
Alicia Thompson Education/professional body/Education Committee, CET provider
Sarah Joyce Employer
Gill Robinson Employer/DO trailblazer group apprenticeships, CET provider
Jay Varia NHS/practising optometrist /honorary lecturer
Sally Powell Education visitor panel lay Chair
Kathy Start Education Committee lay member
Paula Baines Standards Committee/Education Visitor Panel CLO member
Glenn Tomison Standards Committee/DO/GOC Council member 
Eloise Stone Student DO
Mike Galvin GOC Council member
Miranda Richardson Professional body
Melanie Hingorani NHS
Richard Edwards Optometrist